StarsAndStripes is an all caps display font which gives typed copy a patriotic look. StarsAndStripes gives the typist and graphic artist versatility to work with a font that can be all stars, all stripes, or combined stars and stripes.
Use for eye-catching, year round notices, headlines and ad display to convey yankee-doodle, patriotic messages.
Instead of reaching for clip art books or diskettes to find stars & stripes messages, reach for the keyboard and click away. I recommend no lower than 36 pts. It’s IDEAL at 48 and up for ad copy, posters, displays etc.
• Lower case keyboard strokes will produce stripes, and caps make stars. Numbers are stripes. Option-Numbers are stars.
• Shift-Number is Striped symbol above the number. Option-Shift Number is Starred symbol above the number.
• Punctuation and other symbols follows the same system; that is,